3.2 Tables

The attribute nowrap="nowrap" in table cells prevents Mathplayer from displaying them its own way, and one gets minimal cells, overlapped: it ought to be avoided altogether.

It reappears in the option pmathml - as soon as Mathplayer is called upon to deal with a table, the cells overlap from left to right, and the last row is reduced almost to nothing. Pmathml-css, NOT calling on Mathplayer, gives no trouble that way.

<..pmathml but not pmathml-css..>
 \Configure{halignTD} {}{}
    {<}{\ifmathml \HCode{ columnalign="left"}\else
         \HCode{ style="text-align:left" }\fi}
    {-}{\ifmathml \HCode{ columnalign="center"}\else
         \HCode{ style="text-align:center" }\fi}
    {>}{\ifmathml \HCode{ columnalign="right"}\else
         \HCode{ style="text-align:right" }\fi}
    {^}{\ifmathml \HCode{ rowalign="top"}\else
         \HCode{ style="vertical-align:top" }\fi}
    {=}{\ifmathml \HCode{ rowalign="baseline"}\else
         \HCode{ style="vertical-align:baseline" }\fi}
    {|}{\ifmathml \HCode{ rowalign="center"}\else
         \HCode{ style="vertical-align:middle" }\fi}
    {_}{\ifmathml \HCode{ rowalign="bottom"}\else
         \HCode{ style="vertical-align:bottom" }\fi}
    {p}{\ifmathml \HCode{ columnalign="left"}\else
         \HCode{ style="text-align:left"}\fi}