3.1 Header Part

<..pmathml dtd..>

<..configure mozilla tex4ht..>+
 \:CheckOption{pmathml} \if:Option
    <.pmathml configurations.>
   \:CheckOption{pmathml-css} \if:Option \else
       \Log:Note{If css rendering is preferred
          for MathML, use option ‘pmathml-css’ instead of ‘pmathml’.}
       <.pmathml but not pmathml-css.>
   \:CheckOption{pmathml-css} \if:Option \else
      \Log:Note{For multi-platform MathML
        through stylesheet transforms, use the command line option
        ‘pmathml’. If css rendering is preferred, use ‘pmathml-css’.}
 \fi \fi

<..pmathml configurations..>
 \:CheckOption{pmathml-css} \if:Option
       <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"
       <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"

<..pmathml configurations..>+
 \:CheckOption{pmathml-css} \if:Option

<..configure mozilla Preamble..>+
 \:CheckOption{pmathml-css} \if:Option

http://www.w3.org/Math/XSL/Overview.html and http://www.w3.org/Math/XSL/Overview-tech.html explains how to make .xml pages (in fact, Tex4ht option MOZILLA) to Explorer 6 even WITHOUT Mathplayer: it requires two .xsl style sheets (pmathml.xsl and pmathmlcss.xsl, they can be retrieved there) and replacing <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//|<dtd lang|>" "mathml.dtd"> with <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="pmathml.xsl"?>. Moreover, if one has Mathplayer installed, one must keep it away, for check purposes, by replacing <html...> with
